When writing in the land of fiction, (my favorite), the possibilities are endless.
I believe that the best writers are those that write what comes from the heart,
manifests in that marvelous brain and is not limited in any way, shape or form
by rules of any type. Writing freely, what comes to mind, in that moment one is
writing, uninhibited expression, your creation.
I like to think that I've included at least one element (just a little), of this thing
I like to call, "Shock-Value" in my writing. What do I define as SV? It's that
little erratic ingredient that most mad scientists save for that last kaboom moment,
of whatever it is their concocting, lol. It can really be anywhere in the story,
beginning, middle or end. It's what most writers shy away from because it
might be seen as a bit obscene, too gross or maybe even controversial.
Just a pinch of it is enough for me.
Whether it works for me or against me-has yet to be seen, but it definitely
seeks to push the boundaries at least a little. I'm willing to take that chance.
I think it makes for a realistic essence to the story; I like to mix fact with
fiction and include things that really happen in every day life, (you just don't
talk about it). Harmless fun in the land of fiction, adventurous, atypical
An author's personality can unexpectedly appear in their writing
unintentionally too. I for example love to laugh and enjoy a good practical
joke here and there. I've been known to push the envelope and go that
extra mile for a good, jolting guffaw with family and friends.
Another note about my writing, I don't like to be married to one genre.
I enjoy writing what I am inspired to write, be it horror, romance or
science fiction. One moment, I may be inspired to write a story about
love, another a gruesome horror; things that my fantastic brain has
conjured up in a nightmare or two.
Regardless, I think when your writing fiction, you should 'go with it'
and see where it takes you, without restrictions, allowing your mind in
the drivers seat. When you look at what you have created you can
marvel at how effortless it came to be...
♥Like Bruce Lee said in "Enter the Dragon"....."Don't think....feel"♥
My current projects: Paranormal with Romantic Elements, Romantic Suspense, Speculative Fiction, Humor; I've written poetry and lyrics too.
Thank you for visiting. I'm an author of Romance, Paranormal Tales and Science Fiction. I've completed a couple of short stories aimed for magazines: (novelette/short). And this eccentric brain of mine is always taking off, bringing vivid videos of untold stories into focus; where strange faces & compelling voices always seem to surface as a result. I enjoy writing and look forward to sharing my adventure here with you as it plays itself out. I also aim to inspire & at times entertain ;) I will be sharing some helpful links to different writing contests, resources, etc. as well. The blog is a work in progress, stop by often to see what's new! Again, welcome.